The Top 10 Painting Mistakes

The Top 10 Painting Mistakes

The Top 10 Painting Mistakes

Not Cleaning the Surface
Always clean the surface before you begin painting it. Although it may look clean, there could be small particles of dust or tiny hairs that you can’t spot.

Painting Over a Moist Surface 
Paint won’t properly adhere to a surface if moisture is present. Avoid painting in extremely humid weather conditions, and wipe away any signs of visible moisture before you begin painting to avoid future blistering and peeling.

Using the Wrong Paint Brush
Using the wrong paint brush can result in visible brush strokes and wasted paint, so be sure to choose the right paint brush.

Not Using Primer 
Make no mistake – primer is a necessary step. It helps paint adhere to the wall, and acts as a base for the colour. Without primer, the colour might turn out slightly different than what you had expected.

Not Painting a Test Patch 
Colours change in different light, so it’s wise to paint a test patch in the room you’re thinking of painting before committing to a colour.

Not Prepping Enough
Unless you like the look of paint splattered door knobs and windows, be sure to take the proper precautions and cover them up with tape before you begin.

Underestimating the Amount of Paint 
  If you run out of paint mid-project, it’s not as simple as making a quick trip to the store to pick up some more. While you’re gone, part of the painted wall will dry resulting in unevenness, and your new can of paint might be mixed differently resulting in a slight change in colour. To calculate how much paint you need, multiply length x width x height of the area you’re painting and consult the paint can to see how much surface it covers.

Painting the Ceiling Last
Contrary to popular belief, you should actually paint the ceiling first. Painting it last could result in drips on your freshly painted walls.

Using Too Much Paint
Your paint brush or roller shouldn’t be glopped in paint – it could cause wet drips and eventual cracking. To avoid using too much paint, if you’re using a brush, dip it one third into the paint and not all the way down to the metal. If you’re using a roller, drench out the paint on the tray a few times before you begin painting the wall.

Painter’s Tape Problems 
Do not – we repeat, do not wait until the paint is dry to pull off painter’s tape, or else it will pull off pieces of the paint with it!






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