Nova Scotia's famous Annapolis Valley region offers the best of everything! A change of pace does the soul good; and that is why so many are moving to be nearer to cleaner living & a better lifestyle. The area offers many beaches & the world's highest tides, parks & nature trails, wineries & vineyards, orchards, farm markets and impeccaple dining. This 23 acre parcel with a brook running though the back, is available in Gaspereau River Valley area, and is just 2 minutes from Lucketts Winery& Vineyard. All major amenities are found just 9km away in the quaint Town of Wolfville (home to Acadia University). The area offers a mix of new builds & old homesteads. Zoning is Resource N1 which allows for a multitude of agricultural businesses but also various Residential home based businesses. For Zoning Regualtions & Permitted Uses see Documents Tab. Come to Nova Scotia and build your dream home on this beautiful lot that is plentiful of beautiful hardwood trees & a brook at the back end.Your solitude awaits. Halifax is just an hours drive away. Located across from Civic 922 Grand Pre Rd.
Listing Details
0 Grand Pre Road, Wallbrook, B0P 1M0
Building Specifications