LOT D Blanche Road, Blanche, (MLS® 202315240) RE/MAX nova
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LOT D Blanche Road, Blanche

0 0 0 sqft
$599,000 Pending


Off Grid at it's finest !! With nearly 4000 ft of oceanfront and approx 190 acres in total - this property offers endless opportunities. Including 'Fish Point' and the extension to outer Blanche Beach with views of 'Half Moons Lighthouse' this property continues along the rocky shoreline to acres of higher land facing south west. There is deeded access to Fish Point from Blanche Road to the spit of rocky waterfront for hours of exploring. Salt water ponds seperate this area from the main acreage but can be accessed easily by 4 x 4 or ATV. A power pole is present to the Fish Point Lot. All other power or road access would be at the expense of the buyer and would require proper permits. Fish Point was home to many local fisherman over the years with buildings and a wharf in the day. It is still used for a launch area for moss fishers in the area. The small cottage, the last on the end of Blanche is owned privately by a family with children and frequent visitors, please be mindful of their privacy if you choose to visit the lot without an appointment. A proper vehicle would be necessary to drive through to Fish Point and there is an option of parking at the end of Blanche Road and walking to where the lot starts, which is near the last power pole that has a sign posted on it. This property is not surveyed and is the process of being migrated. Blanche Road is serviced by Dept. of Transportation. This could be the opportunity you have been waiting for in one of the many beautiful spots in South West Nova Scotia !

Listing Details

LOT D Blanche Road, Blanche, B0W 1K0

Listing Price


Building Specifications

Foundation Type
Exterior Finish

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Garage & Parking


Sales History

Demographic Data

Demographic data is based on the dissemination area that contains the listing parcel . Dissemination Areas are small areas composed of one or more neighbouring dissemination blocks. All of Canada is divided into dissemination areas. Data source: Environics Analytics via ArcGIS Online, 2021

Population Size


Median Age


Avg Household Size


Avg House Income


The number of people for each age range.

How the population of this area is expected to change.

The highest level of education obtained by people within this area.

The maritial status of the people in this area.

The average household income within this area.

The number of people that rent versus own.

When the buildings in the area were constructed.

The number of children at home for the given age ranges.

The occupations of the people living here.

Tax Assessment

Year Amount % Change
2024 $84,200 ---
2023 $56,500 ---
2022 $56,500 ---
2021 $56,500 ---
2020 $56,500 ---
2019 $56,500 ---
2018 $56,500 ---
2017 $56,500 ---
2016 $54,300 ---
2015 $54,300 ---
2014 $108,600 ---
2013 $54,300 ---
2012 $50,700 ---


Mortgage Inquiries

Last Updated On: 7/9/2024 3:20:53 PM (UTC)