Gardening on a Budget

Gardening on a Budget

Gardening on a Budget

Plans are in mind, the ideas are plentiful and the weather is finally cooperating; now to consider how you will find a way for those great ideas to come to fruition. Decks, large and small have become an integral part of the home. Back yards are allowing homeowners to encompass their lifestyle, tastes and decor on both sides of the back door. If you are in an apartment or condo, there are unique ideas for small box gardens, gorgeous pots and planters which fit nicely with any scale of furnishings. Utilizing this outdoor space can revitalize your space without the need to relocate.

It’s time for yard sales where you will be able to find any number of treasures to use in your garden, around your home or patio. Items stored from last year by their current owner may have been a great addition to their decor then, but may not fit their design plans for this year and can be adopted by you for a relatively low price in comparison to purchasing new. Also consider items left at the curb on HRM’s reuse weekends. Without the guilt of an actual dumpster dive, they provide an opportunity for items to be re-purposed and avoid the landfill. And did I mention, free? The slightly weathered look found in some items can be a wonderful touch to a garden or patio and give it that hint of whimsy you may be searching for.

Don’t discount getting that great find at a garden centre though. They may have remaining stock from last season, display items they no longer have a use for or small quantities of now discontinued items they will sell for a fraction of the cost which can ease the strain on your pocketbook. If you are seeking small shrubs or trees, this may also be a great time to select items which have wintered in their outdoor areas. Fantastic deals can be found when they are anxious to make space for the truckloads of new items coming in. You need only ask and most associates are more than happy to assist you assist them.

If you are planting for the first time, garden centres are a wealth of information for the rookie gardener. Knowledgeable staff can assist with planning, selecting the right type of vegetation for the area, amount of light, moisture and time needed to care for your budding delights. There are seminars and classes, which in many cases, are free to attend, if you are going from beginner to novice. Check store websites and notice boards for information on enrollment. If you are anxious to get started and the garden centres in your area are not open, try searching for resources at your local library or online? One tip… Make sure you are planning and planting for the locale. There are many variables which can affect the success of your endeavor. Remember, imagination, trial and error and a little patience will have you smiling every time you see what you have accomplished.